Name: Ciaran Blumenfeld aka "The Accidental Momfluential"
Recent Projects:
Francie-Pants - Fun, Fashionable, Patterned Sports/Privacy Shorts for Girls
Popshopology - Retail Therapy Blog
Car and Caboodle - Life in the "Family Lane" Blog
Twitter: @momfluential (main), @popshopology, @francie-pants
Facebook: Send me a message, I tend to only friend people I know or who are immediate friends of friends who I should know, but you never know!
Flickr: My Photostream
My Family: Always beside me are my wonderful husband and tech guru(@bmaso on Twitter), and four fabulous children.
Other Excellent Blogs I write for:
Mommies With Style, Senior Contributor & Product Reviewer
LAMomsBlog, Contributor
Why This Page?:
I've got a chronic case of career ADD. It started in college at Johns Hopkins University, when I couldn't pick a major. Thus I graduated with a triple degree in Anthropology, Creative Writing, and Psychology. This illustrious degree qualified me to... Well, not a lot of jobs have those qualifications in the help-wanted ad, do they? I spent several years as a freelance copywriter, mostly in advertising. Fun, but I was not fulfilled. I took a leap into the unknown and started a clothing company called Little Lubbaloo. It flourished, I kvelled, but soon found that I really missed writing.
And then along came the internet. The boom of blogging and birth of social networking was well timed with the arrival of my four kids. As a Work-at-Home-Mom (WAHM), it was a pleasure to connect with others in similar situations. Sharing my knowledge and experiences with other parents and manufacturers has been a fabulous adventure.
Though I did not set out to be a product expert or advise others about parenting, small business/marketing concepts, or to be tagged with the label "Momfluential", here I am. You know what's nice? For the first time in my life, my degree, and my lifestyle, makes perfect sense!
I've outgrown my Twitter profile and felt I needed a place, with links, to send folks when they asked just what it was I do. A location for the whole "list". Blogger, Fashionista, Ferocious Mama Lion, Designer, Car Enthusiast, Retail Therapist, Kids Product Expert. So many hats! So many wonderful friends and colleagues. I truly feel fortunate.
*Because it's the first thing I am asked, it's pronounced like "Sharon". The Cia are "Sha" as in Marcia. No I am not Irish. Yes I know it's supposed to be Keeran. Yes I know it's a dude's name. I answer to all reasonable guesses at the pronunciation and am rather freaked out when people get it right!